Misconceptions about schizophrenia


I joined a community of schizophrenics and some schizophrenic caretakers on social media. Many of them gave me ideas about many misconceptions regarding schizophrenia. We interact more in social media which brings me to know many misconceptions that exist with Schizophrenia.

Many sources on the internet also explain these misconceptions.

Misconception 1 Schizophrenia means that you have many personalities

It’s actually not true. It’s true that we experience hallucinations and hearing voices but that doesn’t mean that we have different personalities. Many people think that we have many personalities because they kind of confuse schizophrenia with other disorders like dissociative identity disorder. However, it’s possible that people with schizophrenia can have other mental illnesses too such as paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar schizophrenia, and others.

Misconception 2 If you have schizophrenia you’ll never have a job

It’s not true though! Many people in the schizophrenia community have a job some sell things online and offline, some work in the wedding industry, some have jobs in the office, and many more. This kind of shows that if you have schizophrenia you can also work but the only requirement is to be stable.

Misconception 3 Maybe you’re possessed because you have schizophrenia

It’s kind of true in some cases but, schizophrenia is because of the hormones in your brain. In some cases yes that can be possessed but in most cases, the hormones in your brain are not stable enough and need to be taken care of with medicine.

Misconception 4 Schizophrenia causes aggression

Not true but actually it’s the opposite because many people with schizophrenia a victims of abuse and violence. Some of my friends in the community have constant needs for food and even suicidal thoughts but not aggression. Take note of this: sometimes, can cause aggression but in the early stages or if we face difficult situations not always.

Misconception 5 People with schizophrenia need to be cared for in the hospital

It’s not true. Some people with schizophrenia especially the hard ones do need care in the hospital but many can be cared for at home. People with schizophrenia can be treated at home with their families eventually family support and care of course with the support of professionals can help people with schizophrenia be better. I usually meet my doctor once a month with my family members. 


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