5 hobbies you need to keep you focused.


One of my hardest things to do as a mentally ill patient is to focus. It’s hard to keep my focus as the hallucinations and delusions keep on attacking me. As I go through consultation with my doctor, she often tells me to keep myself busy. Keep busy is important especially if you’re mentally ill.

I chat with my friend from schizophrenia community, he also told me to keep myself busy so that I will forget that I have mental illness. I found them to be true especially when I experience hallucinations and delusions. Keeping myself busy will lead me to focus and those hallucinations dan delusions can’t distract me anymore. Here are 5 you need to keep you focused

# 1 Puzzle

Source image: Freshie and zero 

Playing puzzles makes me focus more. Because when you’re playing puzzles, you tend to eliminate all the distractions and keep on going with your puzzles until you’re done. That’s why puzzles are one of the hobbies you need to keep you focused.

# 2 Reading

Source image: Buzz feed.com 

Have you feel like when you’re reading a story you kind of sucked into the story feeling that you’re the main character? I do feel like I’m the main character every time I read a novel. The emotions the main character feel I also felt it. To finish a novel you need to focus until the story end. Or am I the only one that cant sleep if the story doesn’t finish yet? That’s why reading is one of the hobbies hobbies you need to keep you focused.

# 3 Exercise

Source picture: pintrest/ Lisa Wascher 

I started exercising in December last year and It really affects my mental health. When I move, I tend to focus on my exercise especially doing the movements keeps my focus. Not only that, your physical health affect your mental health. I get that now makes me feel happier and more stable after I regularly exercise.  Now, I understand why my doctor also recommend regular exercise for my mental health.

# 4 Cooking

Source picture: abeautifulplate.com 

I do not cook often but, I enjoy baking. To be exact I enjoy when people eat the dish I cook and the compliments. When I cook, I feel confident and accomplished. That’s why cooking is one of the hobbies you need to keep you focused.


# 5 Journaling

Source picture: fillingthejars.com 

Journaling helps you to reflect on yourself and just pour out your emotions. Journaling helps me to release my emotions and knowledge about what I must change in my life. There are three journals that I finished, I keep them for myself. Having a grateful feeling and knowing that I am going somewhere makes Journaling is one of the  hobbies you need to keep you focused.

What hobbies that keep you focused that’s not in the list? Tell me in the comments.


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