
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2023

The impact on social media and mental health

You are all probably familiar with social media, right? These days people spend hours scrolling through their social media. Social media has effects our life believe it or not. Some use social media to promote or even do digital campaigns, some just to show off their wealth or how well they succeed. Believe it or not, social media is impacting our lives a hard but tough fact. What does social media impact on mental health? According to bmcpschology, social media can enhance connections, increase self-esteem and improve a sense of belonging. Besides all the positive effects of enhancing connection and making us available to connect with people far away, there are also some negative effects such as insecurity, cyberbullying, and sometimes even depression and anxiety. Yes social media has positive effects but you also have to consider the negative effects you don’t want to feel lonely or insecure while scrolling social media right? The point is because social media has impacts

How to avoid feeling Lonely in seasons of waiting

  Are you, in  the  season of waiting right now? wheater you’re waiting for a new job, a new partner, or maybe waiting to enter a new  stage in life. Ok, you’re now getting tired of waiting right? We all experience that kind of feeling in times of waiting including loneliness. First, let's define the two keywords ‘seasons of waiting’ and loneliness. According to season of waiting is the season God use to teach us patience and make us more like Him.   While Wikipedia said loneliness is the emotional response to perceive isolation. Do you ever feel lonely in time in waiting? Sometimes times take too long that you feel like it won’t happen? It’s normal to feel lonely in seasons of waiting though! Cause many of your friends already got what they are waiting for or even have already in the next stage but you’re stuck in seasons of waiting. And the big question is how to avoid loneliness in seasons of waiting? There are three things to avoid loneliness

Review Novel Me Minus you

Sumber: Gramedia    Quote andalan novel ini: Tanpamu aku mampu tapi aku tak mau. Tokoh utamanya Ireina atau yang dipanggil dengan Rein seorang konsultan di Perusahaan best people. Kerjaannya Rein ini kurang lebih merekrut orang baru untuk Perusahaan klien dengan kualifikasi sesuai yang dibutuhkan klien. Sementara tokoh utama Pria bernama Daniel. Daniel ini awalnya adalah salah satu kandidat general manajer sebuah Perusahaan yang di interview oleh Rein. Oke langsung aja ke ceritanya ya! Satu kali, Rein janjian ketemuan sama Daniel di sebuah cafĂ©. Rein sengaja menyembunyikan komik Donald bebek kesukaanya di balik jurnal times. Mereka ada miskom Rein menunggu di lantai bawah sementara Daniel sudah ada di lantai atas. Mereka akhirnya bertemu dan berdiskusi sejenak soal pekerjaan. Rein dan Daniel juga terlihat saling tertarik satu sama lain. Singkatnya, Rein meeting dengan timnya yang mayoritas Wanita di kantornya. Ia memberikan summary sedikit soal Daniel. Teman baiknya yang ju

Four reasons why to-do list is important to reach your goals

These days, people have more work to do and sometimes it has an effect of people’s productivity. One of the simplest ways to increase productivity is by having a to-do list. Let’s begin with the first question: so, what is a to-do list? According to, a to-do list is a list of things that you have to do. Usually, people just scramble with a to-do list to know what work is more important and the priorities of the day’s work. Anyone can use a to-do list from students who are going through their homework until productive workers. The final question is what is the Importance of a to-do list to reach your goals? First, as mentioned before to-do list can increase your productivity. By sorting tasks that are more urgent than the other tasks. Second, a to-do list provides a sense of accomplishment ticking the box as you accomplish the tasks one by one. It can make you feel great about what you have done by doing your to-do list. Third, a to-do list can improve your memory by writing d

4 reasons to take an E-learning course as an adult

A quote by Henry Ford said, “Anyone who stops learning is old whether, at twenty or eighty, anyone who keeps learning stays young”. It also means that life is a nonstop learning process. Even though we already finished school and have a great job we still have to learn. As an adult working in one industry or in one particular specialist position, we have to keep on learning mainly because these days the system changed a lot, and the dynamic changes fast. One of the options to learn is to take an e-learning course that can be more flexible to our work schedule. So, here are the 4 reasons to take an e-learning course as an adult. # 1 It’s more effective Nowadays, especially since the Covid 19 pandemic, we are all affected by the work-from-home system. A survey by IBM discovered that participants absorbed e-learning five times as much as traditional learning. As an employee, we need to learn more effectively in order to practice the knowledge that we learned in our work that’s why as adul

Review Novel Cinderella Complex

  Apa itu Cinderella Complex? Dikutip dari, Cinderella complex itu sebuah gangguan kepribadian yang sangat dependen pada orang lain yang biasanya digambarkan sebagai seroang Wanita yang menggunakan prianya sebagai tameng. Oke langsung ke Novel Cinderella Complex Tokoh utama novel ini adalah Oh Seungjun dan Yoon Hanna. Mereka berdua teman masa kecil di kompleks yang sama dan telah terpisah selama sebelas tahun. Sedangkan tokoh jahat di novel ini adalah Ahn Hyeji sahabat baik Oh Seungjun yang diam-diam menyukainya. Kita ke tokoh utama pria dulu atau Oh Seungjun. Oh Seungjun diceritakan sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran yang nantinya menjadi seorang dokter. Alasan masuk ke fakultas kedokteran cukup aneh bila dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa lain, Oh Seungjun ingin menjadi dokter karena seseorang di masa kecilnya ingin menikah dengan seorang dokter. Lanjut ke Yoon Hana. Yoon Hana, si tokoh utama Wanita seperti kebanyakan tokoh utama Wanita ia lemah karena mempunyai trauma mas

3 lagu yang wajib didengerin buat move on dari kantor yang toxic

  Pernah ga sih ngerasin kerja di kantor yang tuntutannya banyak, gaada training juga gaada tempat buat bertumbuh? Pasti pernah dong! Walaupun pas resign rasanya rada sakit ya! Tapi tenang aja nih ada rekomendasi lagu-lagu yang wajib kamu dengerin buat move on dari kantor yang toxic. # 1 Mr. Know It All-Kelly Clarkson Lagu ini punya lirik yang kalo diterjemahin kurang lebih seperti’Tuan tau semuanya kenapa kamu ngerasa kamu tau segalanya tapi kamu gatau apapun tentangmu’ juga ‘kamu kira aku akan lari kembali tapi aku ga jatuh’. Lagu ini pas banget kamu dengerin sembari bayangin kamu nyanyi lagu ini di depan bos kamu yang seolah ngerasa dia tau segalanya tentang kamu. # 2 Stronger -Kelly Clarkson Satu lagi lagu dari Kelly Clarkson. Sebenarnya lagu ini juga cocok buat kamu yang lagi move on dari patah hati tapi kalo move on dari kantor mungkin kamu bisa rubah liriknya dikit dari ‘the day you left is just my beginning’ jadi ‘the day I left is just my beginning’ yang mengisyaratk

Review novel my Ice Girl

  Tokoh utama kita adalah Malik, si cowok popular pindahan dari SMA1 ke SMA Gemilang demi membuka kasus sang adik siswi SMP Gemilang yang meninggal. Adara Mahesri atau yang disapa Dara seorang siswi cantik dan popular di SMA gemilang. Dia diincar banyak cowok. Tapi sejauh ini hanya satu yang bisa berinteraksi dekat dengannya Gino si kapten futsal. Semuanya bermula ketika pertamakali Malik melihat Dara dan langsung menjadikannya target. Ya, malik memang terkenal playboy  tapi sayangnya, Dara benci dengan cowok playboy. Takdir menyatukan Malik dan Dara kembali melalui pertemanan kedua ibu mereka dan fakta bahwa keduanya bertetangga. Awalnya, Dara kesal setengah mati terutama pada sikap malik yang suka berubah-ubah kadang ramah kadang juga cuek. Malik membaca buku diary sang adik melihat bahwa cowok yang Manda sukai menyukai Dara dan sialnya, cowok itu teman baik Malik yang bernama Ethan. Banyak drama terjadi mulai dari sikap Malik yang seolah membenci dara, malik yang mengala

5 people that suceeded even after being diagnosed with Deppression and schizophrenia

  Ok, I get it Being diagnosed with mental illness especially schizophrenia or depression is not the best thing to happen in life. You have to do many things such as go to a psychiatrist, drink your meds regularly, and try to stabilize your emotions despite having to deal with voices and shadows that you often see. There comes to the next question: Can people with Schizophrenia or depression succeed? The answer is yes they can go check out these 5 people that succeeded even though they’ve been diagnosed with schizophrenia. #1 JK Rowling You heard me right? The famous author that brought Harry Potter was once diagnosed with depression. She seeks help from a doctor and finds writing as a part of her healing process then Harry Potter comes out. # 2 Elyn Saks Dean and professor at Southern  California University was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She struggled in psychiatric hospitals. Her illness then inspired her to make an institution called: the Institute for Mental Health, La

Let’s talk about Insecurity

  What is the definition if insecurity? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Insecure is defined as beset by fears and anxiety. Insecurity poses feelings such as uncertainty, unsafe, and shaky. The cause of insecurity is often identified from external factors such as status, and fulfillment of basic needs. So, we already know what is Insecurity right? Another question is Is it normal to feel insecure? It is normal to feel insecure because of the situations and the external factors. Many of us often feel insecure because of what other people have or what they post on their social media. How to be handle insecurity? There are methods that everyone can use to handle insecurity, sometimes, everyone finds the best method to handle insecurity. One of the methods to handle insecurity is to give thanks and believe that everyone has their own problems and blessings. The second one is if the insecurity really makes you feel down or even depressed, It’s good to take a break from social media