Fighting Victim mentality: 5 Steps to overcome victim mentality


In the previous blog posts we have discussed about the signs and symptoms and the ‘I need to change not the situation around me ‘mindset. We are going to discuss steps to overcome victim mentality in this post.

I know, it's hard and many people went through this too! So, you’re not alone. Changing a familiar way of thinking like a victim mentality is challenging. Let’s get to the steps now!

# 1   Acknowledge that you have a victim mentality mindset.

Yep, it’s important to know that you have a victim mentality mindset. I have the article that discusses the signs in this blog. You’re already one step ahead in fighting victim mentality. Knowing and admitting that you have a victim mentality mindset is the first step to fighting and overcoming it.

# 2 Challenge and replace your negative thought

According to you have to pay close attention to your self-talk. Most of the time do you say that you’re unable or maybe blame it on someone else? You need to challenge those self-talk and thoughts. Then you replace it with something new like ‘I’ve got this’ or ‘I can face it’. As time passes, you will start to implement the real truth more than the negative thoughts.

# 3 Forgive yourself  and others for whatever that happens in the past

You’re suffering victim mentality because you’re been bullied or maybe you made a bad decision that affects your now self. It's hard but you have to forgive yourself for whatever happened in the past that shaped what you are today. You need to forgive yourself and others because of the bad decision or maybe the times that you got bullied. It is hard but you have to do it to heal, fight, and overcome the victim mentality.

# 4 Start to have a growth mindset

According to, you need to have a growth mindset. Think about the lessons that you have learned in the past that shape how you see the world and how you see yourself. Think of them as lessons to avoid in the future while also focusing on making the future a better one for you. Like when you got bullied think of those times as a lesson and toughen out yourself to face more challenges in the future.

# 5 Take action and slowly achieving your goals

According to, Action is an essential step in the realization of our potential and the fulfillment of our dreams. Before you take action you have to have goals. Like what you write in your New Year’s resolution try your best to achieve it!

Turn your focus from your past to your future so that you still have the power and action to change it. Again think about the past as lessons and turn your focus for the future. In a short time, you can make a to-do list about what you need to accomplish during the day that makes you slowly fight and overcome the Victim mentality.



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